
Putting down the hammer

"You're making it much harder than it needs to be. It's like pounding your hand with a hammer because it feels good when you stop," Mr. Wilkes used to tell me.

Mr. Wilkes was my high school physics teacher. I was terrible at physics. It is the only class I've ever taken that I deserved to fail. I used to write apologies to him on the bottom of my tests.

Dear Mr. Wilkes,
Please don't take my performance on this exam as a reflection of your ability as a teacher. You may not even want to grade it. I totally guessed on questions 3 and 5, and I didn't even attempt number 7. I did, however, draw a picture of a cat wearing a bowtie and top hat.

I learned a lot from Mr. Wilkes, just not about physics.

"You're making it much harder than it needs to be. It's like pounding your hand with a hammer because it feels good when you stop."

Mark was surprised when he saw me last night. I was supposed to be at work.

I was surprised when I saw his arms around that girl. He was supposed to be in love with me.

He was wearing the shirt I bought him for Christmas.


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The Brooklyn Boy said...

Damn. Sorry, you.

M. said...


Motherfucking Ow.

harper & beatrix said...

After I wrote that entry, I got an e-mail from him. (I'll post it later so you can read it.) Writing helps me work out my thoughts, so I attempted to write an e-mail back to him to express my feelings, frustrations, etc. etc.

The e-mail currently says:

You suck.

I may need to revise before I send it.

The Brooklyn Boy said...

But you might not.